April 21

It was lockdown, it was lonely and boring. I woke up one day and decided to write the book.

I can’t do anything without a framework, so I mapped it all out on the whiteboard in my home office. This is it.

June 21
I bring on board an amazing designer who helps me to start bring the book to life.

Harri at Studio Hu, and I will work on the book for the next 6 months.


October 21
Book announced

Spend 6 months writing and designing book. Announce book on October 10th - the anniversary of finding the lump and realising I had breast cancer

Oct. 21
The whiteboard comes down

It’s the end of writing, editing and design.


30 Oct.
Final Edits

Comments back from the proofreader - hundreds and only a weekend to process

Nov 12
The creative process


3 Dec 2021
Final Proofs

11 Feb 22 The book goes live on Amazon kindle and all other ebook formats ALL OVER THE WORLD



March 22

Books arrive in Australia400 books at my house.

300 have also gone to the Australia warehouse for distribution to book retailers that have ordered the book.